Gravure Education Foundation (GEF) Endowment for Schools
June 4, 2021 | Posted in: Endowments
The Gravure Education Foundation merged with the Print & Graphic Scholarship Foundation (PGSF) a couple of years ago. PGSF helps the GEF by promoting and disseminating Gravure education in the form of scholarships and university grants. The GEF provides yearly grants to schools that are working on Gravure initiatives. Last year the amount granted was $10,000. The good news is that this amount has been more than doubled in 2021 to provide over $20,000 in grants to schools. In 2021 the Grant Application has been greatly simplified so that it will be easier than ever for you to apply for a grant.
Attached you will find the new Grant Form. The criteria for a grant are also much easier. You will find seven criteria in the attached document. You only need to describe how one of them is going to help your school and we’re not looking for more than a one-page reply as to what you are going to do.
Once grant applications have all been received, GEF will review them and let you know the results of your request. This is a wonderful opportunity for you to help your school and your students.